Do carbohydrates really make us fat? Not all carbs are created equal when it comes to how our bodies are able to process them, say boomer generation health experts and authors Dian Griesel, Ph.D. and Tom Griesel of the new book, TurboCharged: Accelerate Your Fat Burning Metabolism, Get Lean Fast and Leave Diet and Exercise Rules in the Dust (April 2011, BSH).
Carbohydrates, whether complex or simple are all converted to blood sugar. The greater the amount consumed the higher blood sugar will be raised. Refined carbohydrates like sugar or white bread are converted and absorbed quickly. Complex carbohydrates like grains are converted more slowly but still elevate blood sugar to high levels.
According to the Griesels, the problem is this:
“It really doesn't take much concentrated carbohydrate to elevate blood sugar high enough to trigger an insulin release and due to the very low moisture content, refined carbohydrate products and grains are concentrated sugar sources. Smaller quantities than most people imagine are the culprit. When sugar is consumed along with fat, which is a common refined food combo, the sugar is released more slowly, but consequently, insulin release also remains elevated over an extended period of time which stresses cell receptors and eventually leads to insulin resistance.” The Griesels point out that sugar/fat combinations are not found in any natural food source and our bodies are not adapted to handle them.
Excess blood sugar (anything above and beyond immediate bodily requirements) is converted to either glycogen or body fat. The problem? “A constant supply of carbohydrates at every meal, keeps glycogen storage levels full so excess glucose is converted to body fat for a future use that likely never comes,” say the Griesels.
Grains and grain products lack significantly in nutrients when compared to fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs or animal protein so other than supplying calories, they are not an optimal food choice. Until the advent of agriculture and grain cultivation, eating concentrated carbohydrates was rare, with the exception of possibly honey, which was largely used medicinally. Our bodies are not adapted to their constant sugar loads and the consequences are reflected in the rise of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other significant illnesses.
The conclusion? Fruits and vegetables are moisture rich foods containing vitamins, minerals, fiber and other yet to be discovered nutrients that are perfectly compatible with our nutrient and metabolic needs. They are not the same and cannot be placed in the same category as grains or man-made grain based or other carbohydrate concoctions.
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