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Attach between stress and hunger discovered from Hotchkiss Brain Institute of Calgary University have shown the mechanism of how stress can boost hunger in rats, in Neuron’s pages (The U.S News). The scientists believe that their discovery can shed some light on how stress contributes to obesity.

Human brain produces neurotransmitters – chemical components responsible for interaction between brain cells. They are also referred to as ‘endocannabinoids, and they are responsible for transmitting impulses. These impulses control appetite.
The research has revealed that absence of food triggers a kind of stress reaction, which in turn triggers repeated functional interaction in the brain. This increases desire for food.
The scientists have also discovered that the blockage of stress hormones in the brain due to lack of food does not cause any changes in the nervous system. Hippocampal neurons have excited particular interest in the scientists. Traditionally, this structure is believed to be integral part of the system that controls appetite and metabolism. Besides, it bears a direct relation to stress.


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