You will notice that many skin care products today contain papaya. That’s because this common fruit has more to offer you than its delicious taste. Papaya is actually rich in vitamins and nutrients that are essential for the repair of damaged skin cells and is therefore a very effective way to get rid of the early signs of aging such as wrinkles and blemishes. One of the most well-known benefits of papaya to the skin is that helps whiten dark spots; that’s why you often see it contained in skin whitening soap and creams. But do you know that papaya also has the ability to help tighten the skin and eliminate skin sagging and wrinkling? That’s right. That’s why more and more people today who are looking for natural skincare solutions are turning to this wonderful fruit.
Papaya may not be as tasty as other fruits that you know but is nonetheless packed with antioxidants that makes it a natural beauty product. The fruit is very rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant known for its ability to boost collagen and elastin production. Both collagen and elastin are what compose the skin’s structure, but as you grow old, production of these two elements slow down, causing your skin to sag and become dull. With the help of a powerful antioxidant like vitamin C from papaya, the production of these two are enhanced, giving your skin its natural glow once again.
Two other popular vitamins you will find in papaya are vitamins A and E. As we all know, vitamin A is vital for the health of the eyes, but do you know that it is essential for your skin’s health as well? Vitamin A comes in the form of beta-carotene in papaya, and when consumed, it helps curb the negative of UV rays in your skin. Vitamin E on the other hand is a well-known moisturizer, and is also a very popular anti-aging component. These three vitamins alone are enough to take care of the free radicals that destroy skin cells and cause the skin to age prematurely.
It’s not only the papaya that has the ability to revitalize the skin. Even the sap of the fruit contains an enzyme that experts consider to be a natural skin exfoliator. This enzyme is called papain. Papain is a form of pepsin that is commonly found in fruits and vegetables. Generally, papain is given to people who are suffering from digestive problems. However, the enzymes amazing exploits do not end to treating stomach aches and indigestion. Today, there are many skincare products that contain this ingredient especially lotions and topical creams.
That is because papain has the ability to boost the skin’s process of eliminating dead skin cells. When skin cells die, the skin pushes them to the epidermis to slough them off. However, when there is a huge amount of these dead skin cells covering the surface of the skin, the skin will begin to appear dry and dull. That’s where exfoliation comes in. While the skin has a natural way of exfoliating, it is sometimes not enough to get rid of all the dead skin cells, that is why ingredients like papain are needed to help loosen dead cells and get rid of them.
Nowadays, the most common use of papaya is as a skin whitener. It seems that each time a new skin whitening product comes out, you can expect that product to contain papaya as one of its main ingredients. Again, it is the enzyme papain that is believed to be the major component of papaya that helps in skin whitening. However, experts agree that vitamins A, C, and E also play a major part not just in improving the skin’s complexion but also helping it become softer and smoother.
We all know that the health benefits of papaya are not limited to the improvement of the skin’s health. For ages now, papaya has been used as cure for digestive problems. It is also known to improve cardiovascular health and boost the immune system with its rich content of B vitamins, vitamin K, fiber, folate acid, magnesium, and potassium. But above all else, papaya, whether taken as a dessert or applied to the skin as part of a skin care product can surely help revitalize your skin’s health.
Original Source: http://medsavailable.com/articles/revitalize-your-skin-with-papaya
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